1st International Adaptive Surf Training Event in French Brittany

From September the 17th to September the 19th in French Brittany .
The Graal training is organized by two Surfing Club: Scwal (Surf Club des Watermen libres) and T.S.C (Trestel Surf Club) and of course FAST (French Adaptive Surfer Tank)
After discussion with our international parasurfer friends, who expressed their wish to participate in this event, we are happy to organize the 1st Graal Brittany International Adaptive Surf Training in France
Welcoming surfers from Friday with the possibility of full-board accommodation from Friday afternoon until Sunday morning.
Buffet on Saturday evening
Accomodation location is Ile Grande (Base Nautique de l’Ile Grande)
The full accommodation is in room for 4-6 people including 2 breakfast , 2 lunch, and dinner for Friday evening and Saturday evening ( Buffet).

The center is accessible for disabled people. ( a few rooms on 1st floor)

Training format:
The 8 ISA categories in co-education, no gender distinction.
The best trainers are welcomed , on Sunday towards Lannion airport for a tandem parachute jump filmed with the Armor Parachutisme association of Perros-Guirec and 7e ciel Parachutisme. A medical certificate of aptitude for Tandem Jump is required

Surfing Training Categories:
PS Stand 1
PS Stand 2
PS Stand 3
PS Kneel
PS Prone 1
PS Prone 2
More informations on categories : ISA Rules Book 2020
Mixing of genders and mixing of divisions may occur if the required number of athletes to fill a division is not met. A minimum of three athletes is required to fill a division.
The Training will follow the ISA Rules and classification
Training Location:
Depending on weather, it will happen on Trestel or Perros-Guirec

Our Goal is not no make benefits on the event but simply make it happens:
ticket for training ( with 1 T-shirt) : 30€
ticket including training + accommodation and full-board : 100€
ticket including accommodation and full-board for surf Assistant: 70€ (for PS-P2, PV-VI1 & PS-VI2 ISA Surf categories only, limited to 1 assistant ).But if you need accommodation for more than 1 assistant, let-us know and we will find a solution.
And we can provide addresses if you’re looking for a camping
Also if you want accommodation before the 17th of September , or after the 19th , we can try to have a longer period with rooms …..
Partners and Sponsor (Scwal and/or Fast):
Terres de Surf, Bretagne Huitres, Salvi Constructions Perros-Guirec, Club lilial, Armor Parachutisme, 7e Ciel Parachutisme
Don’t hesitate to join the family and become Partner or Sponsor:)